WHAT DISTINGUISHES OUR PARTY: The political continuity which goes from Marx to Lenin, to the foundation of the Communist Party of Italy (Livorno, 1921); the struggle of the Communist Left against the degeneration of the Communist International, against the theory of „socialism in one country“, against the Stalinist counter-revolution; the rejection of the Popular Fronts and the Resistance Blocs; the difficult task of restoring the revolutionary doctrine and organization in close interrelationship with the working class, against all personal and electoral politics.

Confronted with the new bloody attacks in Paris, let us not waste our time by asking ourselves “who is behind them” – whether they are really the work of the so-called Islamic State or of some other organisation that makes use of its cover for terrorist activities in the service of this country or that. Rather, let us ask ourselves whether all these attacks are not a further step forward in the ideological preparation of a new world slaughter: the most powerful imperialist States, with their following of obedient, weaker ones, will be obliged – by a situation of systemic economic crisis – to fight each other, on the basis of the principle, rust-proof in the capitalist universe, of “mors tua vita mea” (“your death, my life”).

Rather, let us ask ourselves whether this mode of production based upon the most pitiless competition, the exploitation of immense masses of proletarians, the conflict of all interests, the contempt of human life, the indifference to the environment, with the sole purpose of extracting profit, has not reached a stage in which it can only produce devastation, suffering, bloodshed. For a century and a half now, wars have been raging in all corners of the globe, and in the past fifty years they have been escalating and coming closer and closer: certainly, they are not ethnic or religious wars, nor are they aimed at proclaiming this or that specious “nationality principle”. They are wars waged to defend and extend national economic interests – above all, they are acts of war against the world proletariat. Thus, let us rather ask ourselves whether the moment has not come to recover, with courage and pride, the whole tradition of the revolutionary communist movement: the fight to defend the proletarians’ living and working conditions, the active and organized refusal of every call to national unity and of any patriotic mobilization, the open revolutionary defeatism, as instruments for preparing the final assault to the bourgeois class that, by means of its State terrorism, promotes everywhere and day after day its own wars in the name of “homelands”, “nations”, “races”, “religious confessions”… The moment to organize ourselves in the international communist party, in order to get rid, once and for all, of this monster which, in peace as in war, devours human lives.

No solidarity to the national bourgeoisies and, first of all, to “our” own!

For the exclusive defense of the economic and political interests of the world proletariat!

November 15th, 2015

International Communist Party

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